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10 Secrets About Mobile Photography

10 tips-be ready
1. Be Ready!
I always keep my phone in camera mode so that when I unlock it, it’s ready for taking pictures. A good moment is so easy to lose. There can be no excuses such as, “Oh, my phone is somewhere in my bag,” because we are talking about MOBILE photography. Your phone should always in hand.
It may be an obvious thing to say, but nevertheless, you should remember to charge your phone and to keep your lens clean. I carry a charger with me most of the time to use if I’m having coffee in some nice cafe, but the charger won’t save me in the forest.
I also often switch my phone to airplane mode. Not only does it help save the phone’s battery, but it also eliminates distractions and forces you to focus on photography.
10 tips-do not think twice

2. Don’t think twice, take pictures whenever you want and of whatever you wish!
If you doubt whether to take a picture or not — take it! Snap it! Some moments will not be repeated. If you don’t like your picture you can always delete it, but if you had lost the moment you wouldn’t be able to turn back time and catch it. Don’t overthink and hesitate because there’s nothing to lose.
3. Light is the answer!
Let’s not forget that photography is all about using light. Even the most boring composition will be saved by the good light no matter if it’s a day or evening.
10 tips-learn the technical of your phone camera
4. Learn the technical peculiarities of your phone camera
Find out the strong and weak sides of your phone. I know that my iPhone isn’t good at night photography. The pictures are noisy and blurred. That’s why I try to use it only in the day time.
Don’t be lazy, read the manual and make sure you’re using your phone in the most efficient circumstances. We may be self-confident and think that we know-it-all, but sometimes little tips in the manual can help us to improve our photos in a big way. Learn how you can control the exposure, or focus on the objects better.
5. Don’t use zoom!
I think this is the first step towards taking a bad smartphone picture. If you want to zoom in on something, use your legs and move! Don’t forget that this is just a phone, and its opportunities are not those of a DSLR lens.
10 tips-do not zoom
6. Select and retouch!
Be selective! Try to choose only the best pictures and then edit those.
There are many apps that will help you to do this, and while we can’t understate their help in creating beautiful images, but don’t try too hard. You should remember that sometimes a picture can be better off without any filters.
It’s also worth mentioning that there is no “magic” application. Sometimes a picture can not be saved and instead of “torturing” it, you’d be better off taking another photo. Try to use less filters and more individual adjustments that you can apply — each of your photographs is different, so take an individual approach to editing them.
10 tips-choose unique angles
7. Choose unique angles
Try shooting from the dog’s view. This will make you look at the objects from a new perspective.
Also, learn to use the grid, and then, just as importantly, learn to do without it.
8. Make your pictures come alive!
Print your pictures, send them as postcards, give them to your friends, hang them on your walls. Holding your pictures in your hands is such a lovely feeling, and it can’t be compared with looking at your pictures on a smartphone screen.
10 tips-do not try to stick to one style
9. Don’t try to stick to one style!
I see a lot of people nowadays trying to shoot in one and the same style, or even the same exact colors! Don’t do this! Remember that versatility is great and shows your creativity.
Who said that you can only be interested in landscape photography? If you feel like taking a portrait of someone then do so. Don’t frame yourself in one genre. Be eager and don’t stop shooting. Your own unique style will develop!

10 tips-wedding shots
10. And the last but not the least…
– A warm breakfast tastes better than it looks… put your phone away and eat the damn thing.
– Don’t cross the road while editing pictures.
– Love what you do and don’t let the critics get you down too much.
– Don’t sit at home. Explore!

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